Style Post

Lily Lolo
Celebrity makeup artist Jane Bradley shows us how to use Peepo to conceal darkness and under eye circles using our Concealer Brush. She also demonstrates how Blush Away can be used to counteract any redness to the skin to create the perfect base for foundation.
Style Steps

How-To Apply
Application Tip: Pick up a small amount of concealer onto your brush - tap to remove excess powder, buff into the skin using small circular and sweeping motions

How-To Apply
Step 1. Sprinkle a little concealer or corrector into the lid of your jar

How-To Apply
Step 2. Using your Concealer Brush or Flocked Sponge swirl into the minerals to pick up product and tap off excess

How-To Apply
tep 3. Starting where coverage is needed most, apply in small, circular, buffing motions; continue applying in light layers until your desired coverage is achieved